The WHI Group / Focus Group Review


The WHI Group Focus Group Environment:



10 to 12 people per group; 8 to 10 preferred.

Demographic Appropriate; age, gender, economic Status, education, etc.

Focus Group Environment:


Dress casual.

Location friendly and appropriate.

Circle Seating.

When Participants Arrive for the Focus Group:

Welcome participants as they arrive.

Introduce moderator and assistant (if using an assistant).

Provide participants with an overview of the topic and the ground rules.

First question: Remember there is no right or wrong answer(s); only different points of view. Avoid questions that illicit a yes or no answer.

Note: The first few moments of a focus group discussion is critical. In a brief time the

Moderator must create a thoughtful and permissive atmosphere, provide ground rules, and

set the tone for the discussion. Much of the success of focus group interviewing can be

attributed to the development of an open conversational environment.

Moderator Instructions:

Encourage spontaneous group interaction and discussion(s).

Use pre-determined scripted questions, but keep the conversation open and fluid.

Quickly establish a comfortable conversational environment.

Facilitate open conversation, don’t obstruct it.

Stay on the topic.

If possible; have an Assistant take careful backup notes and monitor recording equipment.

The focus group participants should be free of outside distractions; no phone calls or staff interruptions. All participant cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off before the first question is asked.

Use an appropriate conclusion.

Ask yourself if anything has been missed.

Thank the participants and end the focus group(s) participation.

Don’t review the recorded data until participants have left. Make sure an accurate preliminary transcript in created.

Analysis and Reporting

Use a systematic analysis.

Listen for inconsistent comments.

Listen for vague or cryptic comments with amplifying quotes.

Conclusion: Within days of Conducting the Focus Group:

Compare and contrast results.

Look for dominant themes.

Construct typologies or diagram(s) for visual analysis.

Describe findings and use quotes to illustrate them.

Prepare the report using an easy to read narrative style, quotes, bullet points, and analytic tables for easy and available Client evaluation and usage.

Note: Include verifiable procedures (taped and written transcripts); and appropriate reporting and sharing of information with client(s).


                                                     -The WHI Group-

The WHI Group Focus Group Discussion Case Study / Getting Well Positioned in China’s Luxury Brand Market


The WHI Group Focus Group Discussion Case Study


Getting Well Positioned in China’s Luxury Brand Market



The Chinese luxury market has gradually shifted from expansion to consumer-insight driven growth. Our luxury brand client(s) need to know more about the purchasing behavior of Chinese luxury consumer(s) in order to improve their branding, marketing, on-line sales, and traditional in store sales strategies in China.


The WHI Group has selected 368 participants within the brand’s target demographic customer(s) profile, and will conduct 46 focus group discussions in 15 first and second tier Chinese cities.

Our findings will help shape our client(s) brand marketing and operational strategy in China; expanding their market positional interest, visibility, and sales.


Some areas of interest we will look for:

Emotional or cultural attachment to a particular luxury brand.

Online source and impulse buying.

Brand recognition variables.

The importance of store esthetics, environment, and sales staff in cultivating a customer’s brand awareness and purchase interest(s).


                                                      -The WHI Group-

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